In a world of magical fairy tales where dreams come true, Disney princesses occupy a special place in the hearts of little girls. These lovely heroines not only inspire with their adventures, but also become true examples of nobility and kindness.
Shining dresses, magical crowns and eternal smiles of princesses attract children's attention, making them dream of their own adventures. How wonderful it would be to be in their company, to immerse yourself in a world of magic and friendship!
Imagine that this marvelous world can become a part of the party - right on your table! In our pastry shop we transform screen heroines into beautiful and delicious cakes with princesses.
Do not miss the opportunity to give your child an unforgettable moment, which will embody his love for Disney heroines. Order a cake with princesses for a girl in the confectionery «Tortik Annushka» - we will create for you the magic that will remain in the memory for many years.