Frozen cakes


In the magical kingdom of Arendelle, where winter is eternal, the story of the animated film "Frozen" unfolds. The main characters are sisters, Elsa, who has the magical power of creating ice and snow, and her brave sister Anna. They are befriended by incredible characters like the funny snowman Olaf, the gruff Christoph, and his faithful reindeer Sven.

Now imagine the magic of this exciting world come to life on your table in the form of a Frozen cake! In our pastry shop, we bring the amazing characters of the cartoon to life in the form of exquisitely sweet desserts. Each bite is an immersion into the fantastical world of Arendelle, where your most cherished dreams come true.

Make the holiday truly magical by ordering a unique cake in the style of Frozen, in the confectionery «Tortik Annushka». We will gladly realize your idea, which will please not only the eye, but also the taste buds.